Students will have opportunities to compete in several exam-based competitions, including the following multiple-choice exams. Note that the Battery Exam is required for all students, while all other multiple-choice exams listed below are optional.

All Olympiad multiple-choice exams are scored the same way: 2 points per correct response, 0 points for no response, and -1 point per incorrect response. The Battery will likely consist of a total of 400 questions for Varsity, Junior Varsity, and Middle School, 300 questions for Intermediate, and 250 questions for Elementary.

All other exams listed herein will likely consist of 75 questions for Varsity, Junior Varsity, and Middle School, 70 questions for Intermediate and 65 questions for Elementary.

The 2025 Olympiad Syllabus, including descriptions and content distribution for all buzzer-based and exam competitions, will be available in early 2025. However, the 2023 Olympiad Syllabus is available here for reference.