
Registration is Now Open for the South of France Post-Olympiad Tour!

Registration is now open for the post-Olympiad tour (July 27-August 3) to the South of France! The tour is limited to 130 people, so please register as soon as you know that you will be joining us! We're excited for an amazing week, and all the details regarding costs, itinerary, hotels, and more are now available on the tour page. Registration will likewise open shortly for the pre-Olympiad tour [Read More]

2025-02-08T08:07:28-05:00February 8th, 2025|

Record Turnout Projected for the 2025 International History Olympiad!

Welcome to 2025! As a new year dawns, we're excited to report that as of January 1, 141 students have submitted their registration form for the 6th International History Olympiad in Paris from July 20-26! This is far outpacing the registrations we had received at this point in 2023 for the most recent International History Olympiad (which had 258 Competing Students in Rome). It also is well in excess [Read More]

2025-01-01T19:01:05-05:00January 1st, 2025|

Registration is Now Open for the 2025 International History Olympiad!

International Academic Competitions is excited to announce the opening of registration for the 2025 International History Olympiad in Paris! Registration is now available on the Registration Page here. Please note however that students will not be considered registered and be posted on the List of Registered Students for the Olympiad until payments have been received. Please also note that there is discounted pricing available for students (and Family and [Read More]

2024-11-29T01:01:25-05:00November 29th, 2024|

Ecole Jeannine Manuel in Paris to Host the 2025 International History Olympiad!

The 2025 International History Olympiad will be hosted at Ecole Jeannine Manuel, which is the top-ranked high school in France. The school is in a prosperous neighborhood in west central Paris in the 15th arrondissement (i.e. district). The address of the school is 70, rue du Théâtre - 75015 Paris (please use this address, not the one of EJM's nearby branch campus at Dupleix). The school has ample classroom [Read More]

2025-01-01T18:51:37-05:00November 3rd, 2024|

2025 International History Olympiad to be Held in Paris: July 20-26!

International Academic Competitions is delighted to announce that the 2025 International History Olympiad will take place in Paris, France from July 20-26! This will be the first time the Olympiad is held in France, and we are excited about the innumerable opportunities for sightseeing and competitions that the incomparable city of Paris has to offer. Additionally, IAC is planning on organizing a pre-trip to Normandy and Brittany for three [Read More]

2024-10-27T01:12:10-04:00October 27th, 2024|

Students Compete in the Colosseum, the Circus Maximus, and at St. Peter’s Square at the 2023 International History Olympiad!

One of our favorite elements of the International History Olympiad is the opportunity to incorporate sites in our host cities into the program of competitions and activities. At past Olympiads, we have competed on the flight deck of the USS Intrepid in New York Harbor, held a sleepover on the battleship Missouri in Pearl Harbor, and held our Closing Ceremonies inside Charlottenburg Palace in Berlin. But no other city [Read More]

2023-08-09T08:57:06-04:00August 9th, 2023|

2023 International History Olympiad in Rome – Tournament Summary

The 5th International History Olympiad took place in Rome, Italy from July 23-30 with 258 students in attendance, representing 30 US states, 20 other countries, and 4 territories. This was the largest Olympiad ever in terms of attending students, and was the first since 2018 to be held in Europe. St. Stephen's School was the host site for most of the competitions, though several finals were held in historic [Read More]

2023-08-03T13:03:35-04:00August 3rd, 2023|

A Delegation from the Ministry of Education of Saudi Arabia Attends the 2023 International History Olympiad in Rome!

Members of the Delegation from the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Education with the Executive Directors of the International History Olympiad, David and Nolwenn Madden Among the over 600 people in attendance at the 2023 International History Olympiad were members of a distinguished delegation from the Ministry of Education of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Over the course of four days, the delegation members attended various competitions, events, [Read More]

2024-10-27T01:00:07-04:00July 23rd, 2023|

2023 International History Olympiad Moves to Rome!

International Academic Competitions is excited to announce that the 2023 International History Olympiad will now be held in Rome from July 23-31! Originally, the 2023 Olympiad had been slated to be held in Poland but due to geopolitical concerns, IAC has taken the decision to hold the Olympiad in Italy instead. The new draft calendar of events has been posted on the website here, where you can also find [Read More]

2022-12-16T05:40:07-05:00December 16th, 2022|

Country Exam Winner Prepares for his Upcoming Trip to Poland

At the 2022 International History Olympiad, one of the most anticipated events was the Country Exam: a multiple choice exam all about a particular country. Prior to the Olympiad, it was announced that the student who finished with the highest overall score across all four age divisions would win a free VIP trip to the country in question, and just before the Olympiad, it was announced that this would [Read More]

2022-11-03T14:45:06-04:00November 3rd, 2022|
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