
New International History Bee World Champions Crowned at 2022 International History Olympiad

Since the first International History Olympiad was held in 2015, one of the highlights at each Olympiad are the final matches of the International History Bee World Championships. Very few people can ever lay claim to being a national champion in any endeavor - and far fewer people can ever claim a World Championship title. But in July 2022, four students achieved just that by becoming the first new [Read More]

2022-10-29T12:31:03-04:00October 29th, 2022|

Closing Ceremonies of the 2022 International History Olympiad Held on the USS Intrepid

The Closing Ceremonies of the 2022 International History Olympiad were held in a memorable and historic location – on the USS Intrepid in New York Harbor! Formerly one of the most battle-hardened ships of the US Navy (seeing service in the Battle of Leyte Gulf, the largest engagement in modern naval history), the Intrepid has for decades been a museum ship with one of the most impressive collections of [Read More]

2022-10-29T12:18:08-04:00October 29th, 2022|

Press Coverage of the 2022 International History Olympiad

While all students were busy competing at the 2022 International History Olympiad, a number of students took some time to report on the competition as well. Their collective work as the International History Olympiad Press Corps is compiled here. You can also view the official video of the 2022 International History Olympiad, as part of our “At the Buzzer” series of videos from our Championship level events. In addition [Read More]

2022-10-29T11:40:35-04:00October 29th, 2022|

STEM History Bee

When Science and History get together, it is truly a powerful combo for IHO students. Here, students had the chance to learn more about scientific, technological, engineering, and mathematical history, while racing against their peers on the buzzer.  Whether it is ancient mathematics or the discovery of new tetraquarks at the Large Hadron Colliders, there was something for everyone. While many of the questions were tough, students continued to push themselves for a challenge [Read More]

2022-08-13T01:42:35-04:00August 13th, 2022|

The rise of the Romans: Civilization Tournament

Romulus and Remus founded Rome in 753 B.C. , but will the students of IHO be able to do the same? Sid Meier’s Civilization brought the students together to start from scratch and build a powerful Roman civilization. But the task is not easy. Barbarian ambushes, enemy kingdoms, and unprecedented floods threaten the existence of Rome. But the students fought well as they strived to progress their civilizations forward. During [Read More]

2022-08-13T01:40:59-04:00August 13th, 2022|

Country Exam- A trip to Poland!

The race against time begins as students compete for not only medals but also a Poland Trip and a visit by government officials. Out of 100 questions, the one who gets the most score in 40 minutes across all age divisions is awarded a ticket to Poland.  The competition was tough, but students worked hard to learn more about Poland and its rich history, culture, geography, and even swords. [Read More]

2022-08-13T01:39:06-04:00August 13th, 2022|

Classical Music Bee

Students have experienced written questions about Mozart, Beethoven, and Bach, but how about an audio twist? Here, 50% of the questions were audio; 4 songs were played, and students were asked to identify composers, name of the pieces, and other historical facts. The challenge is on!  Students had a unique experience at the International History Olympiad and had a great time recalling amazing composers well-known in history and especially [Read More]

2022-08-12T17:04:18-04:00August 12th, 2022|

May the Best Economy Win! – Great Trading Game

Students face off in a mock financial game where China, Brazil, Australia, Germany, United Kingdom, Singapore, Switzerland, and the United States attempt to find their trade alliances and race for economic dominance.  Along the way, unforeseen economic updates cause market crashes, shortage of goods, and cybersecurity threats. Both Producing and Finance countries also compete to answer economic-themed questions correctly and stock up their resources, including transportation ships and central [Read More]

2022-08-09T09:13:03-04:00August 9th, 2022|

Princess Angelika Ewa Jarosławski Sapieha – Peace and Polish Culture

The students and staff of the International History Olympiad were excited and awed to welcome Princess Angelika Ewa Jarosławski Sapieha of Poland, International Peace Ambassador, who gave a speech on ridding the world of landmines. She founded the One Mine One Life organization, inspired by Princess Diana's work with landmines.  Before beginning the speech, she congratulated the students of the International History Olympiad on their astonishing accomplishment of qualifying [Read More]

2022-08-08T04:07:13-04:00August 8th, 2022|

East Asian History Exam

Congratulations to our East Asian History exam winners! Students were asked to answer 100 questions in 40 minutes over the entire history of East and Southeast Asian history. They received +2 points for every correct answer, 0 for every blank answer, and -1 for every incorrect answer. Congratulations to the following people for scoring in the top of their divisions.   Varsity Gold - Yanni Batayola Ranolio (Philippines) - [Read More]

2022-08-07T14:58:26-04:00August 7th, 2022|
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